Now that the students know that change is coming to our Mass, this week I am going to get a little bit specific about some of the changes.
Opening song: Your Life Will Change (see blog last week for link)
Minute to Win It Game: I decided after last week's lesson that I am going to actually hold off on doing the MITWI game until the *end* of our group gathering time. I discovered that the kids are so excited about it, that to do the MITWI first is sort of like putting the climax of the group gathering time at the beginning. Beginning this week, I am going to let the children earn the MITWI by being good listeners, participating in the lesson, etc. In other words, it is the carrot I will dangle in front of them to get cooperative behavior! :-) Anyway, this week I promised them we would do the "Face the Cookie" challenge, wehreby a student will be selected to move a cookie from the forehead to the mouth without using hands. There are two videos to use with this, one being the typical blueprint video: and the other being a video of a young man actually accomplishing the task: (Note: I am only going to require one cookie instead of three, and will use Nilla wafers.) Again, this portion of the gathering time will be at the end.
After our opening song, I will quickly remind the students that our last lesson told us that change was coming. Today we will be getting more specific about that change, and I'd like to start by having two of my friends explain it to you a little bit! (Show video from Life Teen's web site called . The link is: and you will download the video for middle school youth. It works fine for the elementary students!
After the video, I will tell the students that we are going to look a little bit more specifically at some of the words that WE will be saying differently. To do this, I will utilize and talk through a power point presentation which I have created. The power point link is here: Please email me if you'd like me to send it to you directly. My email is .
There will not likely be time for a closing song this gathering, so after Minute to Win It, I will dismiss the children with our standard "GOD IS GOOD.... ALL THE TIME" echo!
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