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I am creating this blog at the urging of some friends and family members who are not only interested in the outcome of my attempted climb up Mt. Kilimanjaro, but also want to know more about my year-plus preparation for this amazing trip. Jambo!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Lent Begins

Hi everyone,

One great thing about living where I live is that we get almost two weeks off for "Winter Break" in our local school system; therefore, I haven't blogged for a couple of weeks. It was a great break, though!

As we begin Lent, my goal is to 'tone it down' a little bit with our gathering time. I like to keep the music more reflective and the lessons more relevant to Christ's passion and the whole Lenten journey.

To that end, I am dedicating the entire 15 minute group gathering time this week to teaching the sign language motions to our official Lenten reflection song: Jesus Messiah by Christ Tomlin. I use this You Tube video when we sing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwJzTV1uurU

To teach the song, I first located a video of some children doing the sign language for the song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXe0PCa_qMU I used that as my own learning tool, combined with some other internet resources to create a more simplified version of signs. We only sign the chorus; the children sing the verses without the signs.

I used a power point of the words, one phrase at a time, to teach the sign language gestures. It is very simple to create this power point, but if you would like a copy of mine, just email me and I will be happy to send it to you! jtruitt@stolivers.com

After teaching the motions to the chorus/refrain and going over the words of the verses, we put it all together and sang it. BEAUTIFUL!!! I am so excited that we will be doing this weekly during Lent!

Peace be with you all!