Hi again, friends!
As promised in my last post, I am really keeping things low-key during Lent. Each week I remind the children during our group gathering that this is a time for quiet reflection on the sacrifice made for our salvation. Last week, we distributed our Operation Rice Bowl collection boxes and watched a GREAT video for kids about the program and how it works. If your parish isn't currently participating in O.R.B., may I suggest that you do it next year? It is so fun for the children to collect their coins and see what a difference they can make! The web site for information is http://orb.crs.org/ and all of the materials are free! The video that I used with the classes was found on You Tube at the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbrwXLLCZxo .
This week, I am using my yearly "Way of the Cross for Children" with each group. I have used this since my first year of teaching in a Catholic School, and it is the same book year after year ... but it isn't dated at all! We use the booklet pictured on the upper right corner of this blog, and it can be ordered at this site and others: http://www.churchsupplywarehouse.com/catalog_product.asp_Q_categoryId_E_65_A_subcategoryId_E_863_A_categoryItemId_E_21679
It is a great experience each year for the children to pray the Stations of the Cross together and reflect in an age-appropriate way.
Next week I will be showing a NEST Video about the Resurrection, since we then are breaking for two weeks of Spring Break. After that, we only have two classes left before our end-of-year awards session! It is unbelievable how quickly this year has gone by! I will update again in April. Peace, and I hope the remainder of your Lenten journey is special!